29th March 2023

Archive and stock footage in Advertising

With restrictions on filming hampering the grand visions of creatives at the moment we wanted to lift the lid on the stock/archive footage world and show how you can still make engaging and eye-catching content using existing footage.

With a wealth of material out there to choose from where do you start?

Sometimes you stumble across a piece of footage so good that you have to build a whole campaign around it, sometimes you have to look a little harder for that perfect clip to supplement what you’ve got already. Screenocean’s fully digitised catalogue allows you to search quickly and effectively across genres, years and content producer.

This allows you to narrow your search to find old Reuters newsreels from the 1980s, 4K stock shots of the World’s most beautiful places or classic Channel 4 music performances with a just a couple of clicks. 

We also have a team of dedicated research staff who know the collections inside out and can help you find the right shot for your needs.

Getting the footage to you.

As most of our footage is digitised you can download low-res clips for free directly from our site and add to your timelines to see what works.

When you’re ready to license the material, we can send out hi-res clips in a matter of minutes. We also hold the original film reels of the majority of the old clips and can get these re-digitised to any format that you need.

End results.

Some of the most eye-catching and memorable ads of recent years have featured our footage. Whether it was in creating humour by using old B-Movie clips in the 118-118 Adverts, building a sense of brand heritage and legacy for Tesco and Rolex or tapping into cultural trends for XBOX and Sainsbury’s, the application of the footage is varied but always hits the mark. 

Get in touch about how we can help bring your next project to life. If you are harking back to solidify a brand’s heritage or helping to carve out a new niche in the market for forward thinking start ups we’re always on hand to find the right footage to support your story.

Originally published: 12/04/2021